A good deal of what they do is kept from public knowledge, as they are part of the special operations community. Recruiting standards for pilots and crewmen are extremely stringent, and the training is very intense. Officers (pilots) go through a 20-28 week course after being selected. Further testing is required before a Night Stalker can be designated Fully Mission Qualified. Their nickname tells you a little about what they're all about. The Nigh Stalkers use the advantage of the dark. The night is their cover, and allows them to insert special operations forces covertly, quickly and then egress the area without the opposing forces even knowing what went down. They are the best, brightest and craziest helo pilots the world has ever seen; their motto: Night Stalkers Don't Quit.
You can learn a little more about the 160th SOAR (A) and their exploits from one of their former pilots, CWO4 Michael Durant, US Army (Ret), who was piloting Super Six Four on October 3rd in Mogadishu, when an RPG rigged for air-burst, took out his tail rotor. The subsequent crash, the insertion of two brave Delta Force snipers Randy Shughart and Gary Gordon (who gave their lives to protect Durant and the mortally-wounded crew against a force of hundreds of militia; they were later awarded the Medal of Honor for their awe-inspiring courageousness and willingness to die for their brother soldier), and the capture of Durant by the Somali militia, is detailed in his book, In the Company of Heroes. It's a personal favorite of mine, and it's highly recommended!