Monday 4 June 2012


"The most stunning and decisive blow in the history of naval warfare."

Arguably the most important naval battle of the Pacific Campaign of World War Two, 70 years ago on this day, the Battle of Midway began when US naval forces ambushed Japan's attacking fleet steaming for Midway Atoll. Japanese flag officers believed the American forces would react poorly to an attack on Midway and would be defeated easily, considering Midway came a mere 6 months after the devastating blow at Pearl Harbor. Little did the Japanese admirals realize that the US had gathered enough intelligence and anticipated such a surprise attack and had set up their own counter-ambush.

In the ensuing battle, 4 IJN aircraft carriers and a cruiser were sunk. Among the list of ships destroyed was the Akagi, one of the carriers that participated in the attack on Pearl Harbor. The battle raged on fiercely for 3 days, and the prowess of US naval aviators proved too much for the Japanese.

A stunning loss for the Japanese, it turned the tide of war and the US was able to gain supremacy on the seas and obliterate IJN ships at an awe-inspiring rate.

Remember those who perished.

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