Iceman's Movie List

You can't go wrong with a John Wayne film. It features 3 of the original flag raisers towards the end!

You can't go wrong with a movie about an crusty old Korean vet and his making a man out of the wimpy Vietnamese kid next door! Seriously, it's a great movie and it might just bring you to tears at the end!

The tag line says it all. "Some Dreams are Worth Fighting For". Speed & Angels is a documentary about 2 of the last Navy pilots to ever train on and fly the venerable F-14 Tomcat. One of my personal favorites!

Probably the most realistic film concerning special operations you'll ever see. Awesome movie!

Based on the events that took place on October 3rd, 1993 on the streets and in the air over Mogadishu, Somalia. Highly recommended

Tons of aerial action and stunning dogfights? Check! 

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