Wednesday 22 August 2012

Ice on opinions and the internet.

Politics is a subject that isn't really something I'm too fond of talking about in person. It's not the job of the warfighter to get involved in politics. A lot of people don't really agree with my views, and I definitely don't agree with the views of a lot of others. But, there's a first for everything. So let's talk.

Well, recently, I've heard stories circulating around about a certain former Marine named Brandon Raub, who was detained by a combination of local police officers, FBI and Secret Service agents, due to the fact that his Facebook page contained suspicious material. That seemed to have taken off, and it's grown into a whole "NDAA/police-state" panic, mostly around the libertarian/Ron Paul support crowd. 

First off, I don't really agree with libertarians or Ron Paul... at all... mostly since I'm a strong conservative. I don't agree with their fear about the government turning into a Big Brother-esque police state where everything is controlled and regulated by the government, and those who voice their dissent are thrown in a dark hole. I don't agree with their opinion on the current Republican presidential nominee and his running mate. In fact, I have great respect for both those men. I don't agree with their views on foreign policy, which, let's face it, are absolutely positively messed  up. I'd honestly rather have a liberal Democratic president in office than a centrist who plays to both sides. If you take a look at it, the Ron Paul movement currently borders on anarchy.

That ties in to what I wanted to talk about today. 

Brandon Raub, a Marine with multiple deployments under his belt was supposedly arrested without his rights read to him, and is being held indefinitely for "voicing his opinion" on the current government. The libertarian crowd calls him a patriot. 

Well, that's where views take a change. I've seen far too many people post threatening, radical comments, statuses, messages, etc., calling for a revolution, violence against the government and such. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion on the matter, but when you get to the point where you're put on a district watch list by a federal agency or two, and they come knocking on your door to take you in for assessment, then you know you went way too far on what you were saying. Posting messages and statuses like that isn't patriotism at all, it's anarchy. It's a warning light that goes off on the boards of federal agencies that are established to protect the American people, not harass them as Ron Paul's fans would have you believe. 

In Raub's case, something that got especially highlighted, was that the USSS was in on the "arrest". That should tell you a few things. If the Secret Service got involved, then he was either doing something extremely dirty with money or he was making credible threats of violence against protectees of the USSS. If the Secret Service got involved, then it's nothing new. It's part of their SOP concerning protectees. They get tons of threats every day but there are few that stand out enough to get them concerned to check out the guy to make sure if he's mentally stable or completely serious. Not to mention, with the FBI itself, it takes A LOT of paperwork and going through channels before any special agent gets the authorization to step out on official business. So there's a good chance that what this guy posted online be it on Facebook or whatever website it was, was heavy enough to turn a few higher ups' heads. Waaaaaaait a second, the FBI were the ones leading the detainment, right? What does that tell us? If Raub was only about politics, then he might've presented himself as a domestic terror threat. That's reason enough for just the FBI and local LEO to get involved. Then the Secret Service steps in, so that means he was actually threatening someone of governmental importance.

Don't see any threats on his page? Well, you know... Facebook does have a "delete" option...

When you post anything about a revolution, add a few more words to that subject that hint at violence, etc, now you're getting those federal LEOs worried. For all they know, you could be a terror threat. What some people don't realize, is that EVERYTHING is monitored on the internet these days. It's been this way since 9/11.
And for good reason. I don't mind the alphabet soup agencies monitoring the airwaves at all, if it's to safeguard the nation and those the people elected to serve them in office. I would mind when it gets to personal harassment, just for the hell of it or on a whim, or whatever. That's when things get too far. But the fact is, things haven't gotten that way AT ALL. The FBI, DEA, NSA, CIA, ABC 123, whatever they are, are there for your protection. Seriously. They don't have it out for anyone but the bad guys, so try and remember that. 

Back to the point, anything you say can be misconstrued or taken out of context. But, if you keep posting that stuff, people are going to get more concerned. 

The point is, especially for ex-military and current active/reserve, don't go around voicing radical opinions on the internet, threaten anarchy veiled as a "revolution", then raise mass panic about getting taken in for questions because of the things you say. 

Alright, that's enough for now. Time for a few beers and a BBQ.

Iceman out.

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