On Friday, a crazed 20-year old shot up a school. Defenseless teachers, students (20, under the age of 10), school administrators. This brings up the question of security and the ever-persistent argument for disarming the civilian populace. How secure are our loved ones? What's the solution to this all? Will keeping guns out of the hands of the people make sure another attack like this would never occur?
SOFREP.com posted an article on lessons learned from this tragedy. I wholeheartedly agree with it. You can never put a price on the safety of those you love (yes, I know that sounds like an ad slogan for ADT), and there are means out there that don't violate constitutional rights, but ensure an increased level of safety for the public, especially our younger ones. Full body scanners, enhanced metal detectors, immediate response teams, uniformed guards, increased surveillance... all of these are ways to equip our schools with a much more comprehensive security barrier. Some might argue arming teachers would solve this problem, and the example of Israel pops up. I disagree with this. Different circumstances. Israelis live under the constant threat of attack from terrorists and Palestinian-sponsored belligerents. Here, on our continent, let alone the country, we don't exactly exist in the same situation. If I was a father, I would never allow my children to attend schools with firearms so easily within reach in every single classroom, especially with teachers who may or may not be appropriately qualified to use these guns. I'm sure many would agree with me.
Going over to the whole gun control debate, I'm not gonna get into that, as y'all already know my political leanings. Just keep in mind that you may make things illegal, like drugs, but that doesn't stop people from getting their hands on them, does it?
Keep in your thoughts and prayers the victims and families of those affected at Newtown. May those taken from the world so early, rest in peace.